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Solar power brings electricity to the homes of India's poor

"Entrepreneurs and not-for-profit organisations explore affordable ways to bring renewable energy to all"

Category: Energy sources


Ban food waste from landfill for renewable energy, urges thinktank

"Councils should be given support for collections to provide a supply of organic waste for anaerobic digestion, study says"

Category: Energy sources


Is it now possible to blame extreme weather on global warming?

"Wildfires, heatwaves and storms witnessed in the US are 'what global warming looks like', say climate scientists"

Category: Climate Change


US heatwave sets more temperature records

"Climate Central: Atlanta and Knoxville set all-time high temperature records on Saturday, with more records predicted for early July"

Category: Climate Change


What is the 'polluter pays' principle?

"The idea that those who produce pollution should bear the cost underpins most of the regulation affecting land, water and air"

Displaying results 201 to 205 out of 2977